Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

What Type of Women That Men Don't Like.

Romance Couple
When women know what they want from men  , they should also know what men don't like in them.It is not that every man and woman get the right type of partner in their life.The lucky ones are very few. Majority of life partners have to adjust, and find ways to diffuse tense situations.The most important is to understand your partner.Let us see a few types of women that men don't want to be associated with.

Finding fault:Women who always talk negatively and find fault with others are never liked by men.Yes everyone have their complaints.Making a complain once,in the course of the day is alright.The problem is that if one starts to complain all the time than it becomes a nuisance to everyone.Men never understands women who complain always. Women should find a solution or stop complaining about.Men have no interest in prolonging a subject.
Body Conscience: Though women have to maintain their body structure,don't overdo your diet and exercise regimen beyond a point.Keep the details to yourself and talk about it only when asked.Discuss your schedule. Men are not too conscience about their figure and hate when they are reminded about which they don't like.So women who constantly talks about her diet and gym routines will only end up in trouble.
Not getting along with his family:We all are human beings and have our own views.If we have a reason to not like someone, they too will have a reason for their behavior. All are not lucky enough to have good in-laws.Every action has a reaction, that is if you get along well with them, than they will also act accordingly.If you don't like them, never talk bad about them in front of your husband.Refrain from telling not so nice things about them.

Spend accordingly:Spend money for the necessary things to your family.Discuss and consult what are the things to be purchased for the month and stick to it.When consulted men will not find fault with you later.
Raghu Natrajan

Kamis, 30 September 2010


Rfitnessesearch shows that men, who are looking for a short-term lover, are more interested in a woman's body, but are interested in a women's face, only when they are considering long term relationship.
The premise that a woman's body reveals more insight into her immediate baby-making potential than her face, which is more of a window into her long-term reproductive value, is proving to be correct.
So Ladies, hit the gym, since it's your hot body— and not your winsome face — that guys are after.If you're gunning for a long-term relationship, than this is not for you.
There is a lot of studies and analysis about why a face is attractive or body is beautiful.But the preference  for body over face has not been taken up for research so far.This is analyzed  now.
The research was done by University of Texas at Austin.
1]Men showed a significant preference for body over face for a short term relationship.
2]Women were more interested about the face for both short term and long term relationship.This makes sense, as men's fertility doesn't decline as rapidly as women's. A man in his old age is capable of getting a women pregnant, so women are not much concerned about men's body.
For the research a group of 375 college students were shown photograph of a person of opposite sex.
Half of group were shown  photographs with face and body hidden and asked to rank the images for a potential short term mate.
The other half were shown photographs with either body or face covered and asked to rank them for a potential long term mate.
The Result:When asked to pick one for a one-night stand-51% of guys looked at the body  and when asked to pick one for a long term- 75 % of them looked at the face.
Haven't we heard this a many times "everything is perfect but her face".What could this mean. Is there, than, that the bodily attractiveness conveys something different than facial attractiveness.The co-author of the research was stimulated by this thought.They feel that the women's face and body do give different clues
For instance, they say, that a women's face might indicate how many baby-making years she has ahead of her.When the skin is smooth and supple, it indicates youth.
A girl at 16 is at the peak of her reproductive potential and by 24 she is at the peak of fertility.So one chooses youth when seeking a long term mate, capable of giving lot of off springs.

On the other hand, a women's body gives different fertility cues.A curvy full featured women is always highly desirable as a short term mate, since there is ample evidence of her being capable to get pregnant.During ovulation the hip to waist ratio decreases. 

Selasa, 07 September 2010

What things that every woman should know?

1. Hanging out does not mean in love.
Do not assume that since he called you and wanted to hang along withDating you, he wants you be his girlfriend. Most men are left wondering that, why this is always so?. He may actually just want to spend some time out with you.
2. keep your makeup simple and neat.
It is unappealing to your guy when your makeup is based on layer upon layer. In other words too much of it is not digestible.So keep it simple.
3. Do not giggle, whisper, gossip and exchange notes.
When you are out with him or in company of your common friends, never do those things. It is embarrassing, and you will be noted as childish and not mature enough for a serious relationship.
4. Groom your guy.Boys do want to know what you think of their hair, weight and clothes. Do not hesitate to tell him your opinion about his new hair cut, or his t-shirt. Help him out to choose the right one. All boys want to wear and look as their girls want them to be.

5. Skin or figure revealing clothes are no no.If you are in serious relationship, never wear tight clothes that make you look sort of desperate and insecure. You may be in shape but anything that amounts to too much skin show, for public, is not going to be appreciated by your boyfriend.
6. Most boys are looking for the right girl.
As you women are looking for Mr.  Right, so are the boys. They are also after their Miss Perfect too. So play your cards well in the love game.
7. If you like him, just tell him so.
If he is interested in you, and if you feel the same way about him, then respond. Don’t keep the guy waiting too long.This may make him think that he is not for you.It might be rewarding if you are the first one to say.
Raghu Natrajan.

Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

Romance tips-What do women really want from their husbands?

Man and women can have a fruitful and satisfying married life only when each one knows the other fully.
There are many things that both of them refuse to accept .There are things that each one wants to have by themselves.Given below are a few ones that women expect from their husbands.

a. Should appreciate our cooking:

Women surely expect their husbands to appreciate their cooking and definitely never compare it with their mothers. Husbands must give more time to improve their cooking.

b. Should not think, we are A maid.
Women are not un-paid domestic maid, that she should nor speak in return, and always available.

c. Their man.
Their ideal man is the one-Who loves them as if they are the last women in his  life, should be a mulitasker and one who always know what they want.Husbands should refrain from asking the women, about their belongings,such as car keys,wallet,glasses every morning.

d. Should know that women need a relaxing holiday.
They need holidays that give them a chance to catch up with their reading,or whatever they like to do without being interrupted by children or the husbands.They hate to listen 'I am HUNGRY, Mom?' or 'I am BORED' every few minutes.

e. Should know they expect dinner prepared by husbands.
Husbands should chip in and prepare a meal for them and clean up the kitchen for a change.

f. Should know they also want to drive the vechile, please.
Women when have a driving licence,they expect to be not nagged or criticized. They love the idea of long drives with children.

g. Should know they want to talk to husbands.
Women do desperately want to have a decent and fruitfull conversation with their husbands atleast once in a day,even more so since they are all by themselves the whole day at home. Communication is the key to a successful relationship but interruptions from modern gagets like an iPhone or iPad – really gets on one's
h. Should know they want sex.
Making love is the ultimate in man women bonding. Without sex there in no meaning in they sharing their lives together.Satisfied,loving sex, with a long foreplay, preceded and followed by dinner and lot of kisses is a must.Women love to  have all the right to get a little selfish in bed once in a while.

i. Should know they expect surprises.
Women love surprises and it is high time men understood this. This does not have to be a costly one. An household article, a bottle of perfume [their brand], and a day to be spent exactly as they wish.

j. Should know they want matching accessories.
Men should not criticise when women search for the accessories that go with all their dresses.

k. Should know they want a good weekend.
They love a Saturday night out dining with friends or at the movies rather than ending up watching television at home just because the husband is busy at work, or is expected late that day.
l. Should know to keep the home clean.
When a woman goes out for the day and leaves her husband in charge of the kids,on her return she expects to see the children feed and asleep, tables cleaned husband waiting for her,and enquire how her day went.


Minggu, 04 April 2010


n the first few months into your marriage,[3Q3S8VKMSBJY] it is very likely that you won’t know your husband’s family that well. This fact makes you nervous, enhanced when your are conscious of the fact that you’re and going to live with a houseful of strangers.

It is worth to make that extra effort to connect with them. It will help you make friends with his parents, and at the same time a world of good for your relationship.couple walk1

The effort you take,in case your live separately,will be appreciated more by your husband realising  the fact that you’re making an effort to keep his parents happy. So,try these tips:

Accompany your mother-in-law when she goes out.

If his mom wants to go shopping and there’s nobody to take her,  you drive her and spend a day of shopping with her. She’ll appreciate the gesture. You can exchange and converge over clothes and shoes - or vegetables and spices. Chances are if your tastes match, it could be the beginning for a happy relationship.

Be in touch often.

If you are living separately, call his parents every now and then.Ask how they are doing,and whether they need your help.They will appreciate you for the care.

Spend Time together

Spend time with your in-laws,on occasions like birthdays,anniversaries etc., Having casual lunches and dinners together will also be appreciated.Try to make yourself a part of his family.

Be the first to help

If someone is not well,spend the day/afternoon with them. Take them to the doctor, for
medical tests.If your mother-in-law is out of town,invite your father-in-law for meals.
A little effort is all that it takes to stay connected with his family.

Raghu Natrajan

Kamis, 11 Maret 2010


Can best friends be good life partners?[3Q3S8VKMSBJY] Psychiatrist  say one reason for in compatibility can be that a commitment happens too quickly, bringing along faulty expectations.At the same time it's hard to pinpoint the
ingredients of a perfect marriage,

Good friends can be excellent life partners, but that depends. It is a matter of understanding and
appreciating each other and then building a relationship.Commitment should not happen quickly, bringing along a lot of faulty and undue expectations,

There needs to be a healthy sync between two people for the relationship to become strong and satisfying. If they have a conflicting personality coupled with low levels of tolerance to distress, there would be a greater number of disappointments in the relationship,Say one psychiatrist,who believes that bonding of partners at a physical, emotional and mental level is extremely important.

On the contrary, if partners are able to blend well and appreciate and accept each other well, there is a bigger chance of a smooth and gratifying relationship,
True example:
Mrs X, got married in December to her long-time beau, but after the honeymoon period, the 27-year-old wondered whether she had taken the right decision to marry the person she dated for over nine years."I don't know. I am still confused. Is it that men change after marriage or is it the perspective that changes? The person I knew before marriage has completely changed. I don't understand where the problem lies? Am I too demanding or has he become too casual?" grumbles Mrs X."I wish I could turn back time and get rid of this burden. I don't know what I have put myself into," she added.

Explanation:Very often, we choose to focus only on the brighter side of a relationship and forget to see
the complete picture which might not be so pleasant.It is only later when one takes a complete view of the situation that one may begin to have doubts and confusions and would want to re-evaluate his/her decision.

Both arranged and love marriages have their pros and cons, but it is how flexible one is in contributing to a relationship that matters.However, getting married to a person whom you know for a longer time has its advantages.

There is a basic comfort level in a relationship if you know the person for a long time.If partners have known each other for a long time and have spent enough time to experience each others' moods, temperament and to understand each others' personalities, it will surely give them an edge over those who are complete strangers to each other.

True example:Mrs Y, recently celebrated the silver jubilee of her successful love marriage and shared its recipe.
"There is a lot of give and take in every relationship. In a love marriage, suddenly your priorities shift. All that lovely and flowery life turns upside down when you come face to face with reality. Your expectations from your spouse goes for a toss. You feel that he has changed and vice verse, but that is not the case," explained Mrs Y."In reality, you have to understand your spouse and assure him/her that your love is still the same. Nothing has changed. Adjustment and understanding is the key. There may be small things that will irritate you, but all depends on how dedicated you are towards a relationship to survive," she added.

Raghu Natrajan

Minggu, 07 Maret 2010


Almost 50 to 60 percent of married men[ en3Q3S8VKMSBJY]gage in extramarital sex at one time or another during their relationship, and pitely the women in their lives have no idea. So don't one need to have some basic knowledge to spot him? and protect yourself?

If he has cheated before.
What you sow is what you reap.As the saying goes one with a past cheating behavior is  most likely to cheat in future as well.Past cheating behavior is a reliable predictor for future cheating behavior.

If he is a adamant and unforgiving.
People with these personality traits feel that they’re always right and need not have to explain everything they do. They’re more likely to cheat because they feel they are right in their action don’t have to play by the rules.

If he has no sense of guilt.
Men who don’t feel remorse or guilt when they do something wrong are prime candidates for cheating. They won’t have those emotions to hold them back.

If he’s is prone to lie.
If he is good at lying about other things in his life, then he is likely to cheat you.

If he learned it at home.
If  un- faithfulness runs in his family, then he is more likely to be inclined to cheat.

If he is spending less time with you.
If You’re in the same house but not really together, such as you watch Tv he with computer, or you want to go to bed early while he stays up lats deliberately.If a man is spending less time with you, it doesn’t really mean he has met someone. But Such behavior creates a distance between the two,which becomes a
breeding ground for infidelity.

If he is being less affectionate.
Perhaps he doesn’t cuddle with you in bed anymore. Or he comes to bed fully dressed when he once slept nude. These are all ways of disconnecting and may indicate he is getting his intimacy somewhere else.

If his computer habits have changed.
Check his computer.If there is a  new and secretive email account which he is not willing to share the content of the account with you it becomes more likely and means your significant other is having an affair;

If his cell phone habits have changed.
He suddenly gets a new phone with a password lock, Or  keeps his cell phone in his pocket Or   excuses himself each time the phone rings.

Raghu Natrajan