Sabtu, 11 Juli 2009


The seven year itch was usually referred to one or both partners having extra marital affairs. But in today's context it is referred to the situation as drifting away from eachother. This 7 year period is now immaterial.Partners tend to drift away, mainly because of boredom in their life. for boredom the partners are themselves to be blamed. A study by researchers of Stone Brook University, new york and University of Michigan, found that if couples are bored with themselves after a period of seven years, are more likely to stay bored even after 16 years of marriage. the other finding by them was, when the couples are bored with eachother, they feel less closeness. So to correcy this boredom. intimacy and closeness is what is needed in marital relationship, and to pep up your happiness.

So when you look for another partner outside your marriage, to find a way out of your boredom, it is a mute point to not believe that after another period of time you may start looking for another partner. Instead spend your time, energy in enhancing the closeness and intimacy in your personal marriage.

Raghu Natrajan